Friday, September 12, 2008

David Fanning

Thanks so much to Linda Chapin for treating me to a WMFE special event with David Fanning. His speech about documentary on television was very inspiring. It was nice to hear someone speak who still has faith that television can deliver excellent, important journalism. He believes Public Television is at a crossroads where it can provide the kinds of journalistic and thought-provoking programs that commercial networks cannot or will not provide.

Driving home, I had the idea that the next president should appoint an independent "Media Czar" to whip our corporate media into shape, since the FCC doesn't seem to be able to do that. This person would operate out of NYC and LA instead of Washington and would refuse to grant any appointments with special interest groups. CEOs would be told that in order to uphold the media's obligation to serve the public, profits of more than 10% would be deemed illegal. Would this hold up before the U.S. Supreme Court? Doubtful, but wouldn't it be fun to watch people like Murdoch squirm. I think the first Czar appointed should be Ted Turner.

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