Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Plate spinning fun

It is amazing how much time and money it takes to promote your film when it's finished. It's a fun thing to do, but something I never thought much about. Last week I received my harshest review and this week I've received the best... the one I was hoping for from someone important. Up and down, up and down. I feel like I'm on a trampoline.

I'm working with Ben, rushing to get this Rockwell film finished in time to submit to the mobile film festival. Gosh, this thing has been a ton of work. And then, there's this film for the Ellis Island ballet. I'm feeling much better about the way this film is turning out but there's not much time to get that finished, either.

Today I shot another interview with Steve Goldman. I realized as I digitized the tape at home that I had forgotten to switch my camera setting back to HDV from DV. ARGH! I guess I'll just use his sound. Otherwise, the meeing was terrific. He's going to back me on an animated open for the YCC doc... something I've always wanted.

And then next week I have a shoot on my rocket scientist documentary. I've been working with Wally on his presentation before 300 people in the LIFE program at UCF. I hope I can get some students to commit soon to helping me shoot this thing. It's Tuesday morning and I'm sort of beginning to panic.

Many plates in the air. And then, there are my students. They help me get through all of this. No, they do more than that. They remind me of how fun all this is.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Back at school

I was in a great mood when I woke up this morning and I slowly realized it was probably because I was heading back to class with my documentary students. I love them.

I continue to send "Dear Mr. Gore" out to various festivals, hoping SOMEBODY will like this film and program it. I had a nightmare last night that it did not get into the Florida Film Festival and I was told the reason was because there were too many audio problems.

I was able to successfully videotape the death of two brussel sprout plants in my guest bedroom last week. I'm hopeful about the Ellis Island ballet film, but nervous about the trip to Gainesville next week when my team and I show the choreographer what we've done so far.

The Rockwell Project is heating up again. I was actually able to do a revised cut all by myself and I like it, but it needs polishing. What am I going to do when Ben graduates and moves away? I need to learn more from him in a hurry.

I need to get cracking on Young Composers Challenge. I've now lost confidence in what I've shot so far, but if I can get back in there and look at the footage again, I might be happy. Who knows. These little projects with Stella have been a bit distracting.