Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Breaking Spring Day Two

Just slightly more energy today. I took a bike ride up to Walgreens yesterday and bought some meds. One of them (Advil Cold and Sinus) had something in it that required my signature and drivers license. I guess that's in case I'm running a Meth lab. It certainly juiced me up yesterday evening. I enjoyed the new daylight savings time by cleaning up branches and pine cones in our yard, which is a totally neglected disaster. I can't wait to stop spending money on films and get my house put back together.

Anyway, this morning I laid out my new notecards and got to work on wrapping up Act1A: the technology session of the workshop. At the end I found a perfect transition to last year's winner. Steve Goldman plays the midi of Joe Columbo's orchestra piece. This will go well into a bite or two with Joe, who then talks about Stella, so that will get me to the concert. I hope it works.

I had to break in the middle of the day to pick up my laptop, which has been transformed from a tiger to a leopard. I guess it can climb trees now. I also got the final cuts of music from Stella for the Ellis films. After a quick stop at the grocery store I was able to drop in the new music tracks without much trouble, thank goodness. Ben showed me a great procedure for doing this with markers inside the sequence.

Tonight I wrapped up with a little more digitizing. I won't get much done tomorrow because I have to drive to Gainesville for a screen test of the films.

Interesting note of the day: The "Sarasota 350" is holding an "alternative film festival of rejects" across town, during the Sarasota Film Festival. I like this grassroots idea and as a member of the Sarasota 350 I submitted Dear Mr. Gore. If you want to learn more, read this article in the Sarasota Newspaper.

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